Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Dad is Cooler than Your Dad...a Father's Day Tribute

                                                        HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!

Kamden and I , Michael, along with Kooper, would all like to wish you a Happy Fathers Day filled with happiness, laughter, and hopefully not too many farts! We hope that all you dads out there have a happy fathers day and get plenty of cards and gifts, especially you daddy! Make sure to send lots of comments to our dads blog, Liquid Truth, wishing him a happy fathers day.

                                                         HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!


  1. Thank you boys for the fathers day wishes. I am really proud of you all. Congratulations on your new blog Kamden. I am having a wonderful fathers day. I am so glad everyone could be here together today. You guys have been so good I have decided to let you live another year so have a great summer. Love BDC

  2. Wow, I just came to visit from "Think Tank Momma," and I wanted to you to know that I think your new blog is really terrific! Keep up the good work, good luck!!

  3. Your blog just made a weird noise! Yikes!

  4. This is a great blog!! I think you're wise to worry about farts. Dads do that a lot!

  5. Hi Kamden. My dad farts all the time, too. And then he blames me or my sister for it. But my sister farts a lot, too.

  6. What a great blog you have here!

    Good ole farts....Wouldn't be father's day without 'em (-:


I am only 8 years old. So keep that in mind, and make your comments kind.